Selfie Poses for Girls: 23 Tricks and Poses to Make Your Selfies Stand Out

Selfies are the go-to when wanting to take good self-portraits! Let’s be honest: selfies will never go out of trend!
So, girl if you’re wondering how to take the best selfies, you’re in the right place!
Selfies can vary according to your personality, creativity, and possibility.
Maybe you are the shy girl, the creative, or the unique.
You may have a cell phone, a camera, or a mirror.
Maybe you have props or perhaps you don’t!
Whatever your possibilities are, here we’ll share 23 tricks and ideas on how to enhance your selfies’ quality!
Yes, we’ll make your selfie shots easier for every girl, you included!
Ready to dig into it? We surely are!
- How to Take the Best Selfies for Girls?
- 1. Girl, it's all in the photography angle.
- 2. Focus on the head angle
- 3. Backgrounds girl, backgrounds
- 4. Use props. You won't regret it
- 5. Include your furry babe, would you?
- 6. Lighting is key - and make it natural!
- 7. Control your body language
- 8. Create the mood
- 9. Filters are your life saviors
- 10. Play with Your Phone's Features
- 11. Don't forget the post-editing!
- 12. Pose in Movement
- 13. Pose with coffee
- 14. Use a tripod
- 15. Use a ring light
- 16. Play with those sunnies, girl
- 17. Don't be afraid to get silly
- 18. Play with the mirror reflection
- 19. Go in the wild, girl
- 20. Showcase your best curve - the smile!
- 21. Be expressive
- 22. Feel your most eccentric self
- 23. Mirror selfie pose
How to Take the Best Selfies for Girls?
Let’s get straight into it! Check out these tricks and ideas to make sure your selfie game is up to date so that your self-portrait photography can be as flawless as you are!
1. Girl, it's all in the photography angle.
Real talk: everyone has a favorite, or best angle. And you know what’s the beauty of selfies? You are both the photographer and the model. So experiment with different angles to capture your best facial features! No need to rush, take your time and find your favorite.

2. Focus on the head angle
Talking about photography angles: focus on the head angle! How? Simply, slightly tilt your head to create dimension. This will allow you to avoid a flat look. It will also have your photo look more interactive and personal! Try it out!

Image from Pexels
3. Backgrounds girl, backgrounds
Of course, selfies are all about you! However, backgrounds are just as important. Do you want the photo’s attention to be focused only on you? Then choose a simple background that will not be distracting. Maybe you want the selfie to feel more creative and unique. Then find an interesting background to make yourself stand out.

Image from Freepik
4. Use props. You won't regret it
Selfies don’t have to be boring or too overrated. You can spice things up and make your shot more interesting by adding props! This will allow you to add a creative touch that reflects your unique personality. Find what better relates to you and play with it!

5. Include your furry babe, would you?
Now, wouldn’t you want to take a selfie with your pet? Who would answer “no” to this question!! So, if you’re lucky enough to be a cute pet mama, include your furry friend in the shot. It will add up personality and cuteness to your selfies. Of course, it will also be a beautiful memory with your pet to forever cherish.

Image from Unsplash
6. Lighting is key - and make it natural!
Yes, lighting is key! Good lighting will completely change and enhance your selfie game. So make sure you use soft, natural lighting for your perfect selfie shot. This tip will allow your features to be highlighted while avoiding harsh shadows.

7. Control your body language
In photography, you don’t talk but you get to speak with your body. So make sure you keep your body language relaxed and confident. This way you’ll convey a natural, engaging presence. Take some time to feel assured and at ease before proceeding to shoot.

Image from Freepik
8. Create the mood
When taking selfies, you get to be your own director! So create a mood that mostly resonates with your essence. You can set the tone of your selfie with your facial expression. But you can also make sure the surrounding atmosphere perfectly fits the vibe you aim to convey. Both are key to creating your desired mood and making your selfies as unique as you are!

Image from Pexels
9. Filters are your life saviors
Filters are a game-changer! So, why not use them for an even better selfie outcome? You can always use subtle filters to enhance the mood! Make sure you use filters that don’t change your natural features so your selfie still looks natural and authentic.

Image from Pexels
10. Play with Your Phone's Features
If you’re taking a phone selfie hear me out! You can totally take advantage of your phone’s camera features! Didn’t you know that? There are features like portrait mode or burst shots that will ultimately add to your selfie game by enhancing some creativity and professionalism. Go try them out.

Image from Pexels
11. Don't forget the post-editing!
Great girl selfie photo results are not only achieved while taking the selfies. Perfect selfie pose outcomes are a result of great post-editing skills too! So refine your photo by adjusting brightness, contrast, and sharpness. But hey, make sure to keep it natural.

Image from Pexels
12. Pose in Movement
Trending selfie poses include in-movement shots too! This means something different from the overrated static pose. Instead, try moving your face and self a little - maybe dancing or feeling joyful - as you take your self portrait. See how creative, genuine and fun the result will be!

Image from Istock
13. Pose with coffee
Now, wouldn’t you want to have a great excuse to get a good cup of coffee? This is it! Because taking a selfie with a cup of your favorite coffee might be the most aesthetic shot. Pose with it in a Tumblr girl way! Then get ready to see your coffee selfie aesthetic outcome.

14. Use a tripod
There is a common misconception that selfies need to be taken while holding your phone with your hand(s). And yes, of course, they can! But, if you want to step up your self portrait photography skills, you might want to invest in a selfie sticks or tripods! They will ultimately enhance your selfie shots and have them look more professional. It will give you more freedom to express yourself to the fullest.

Image from Pexels
15. Use a ring light
Selfie poses for girls at home anyone? If you’re the kind of girl who loves to take indoor selfies you might want to invest in a ring light! This will magnify the lighting by professionally enhancing it. It will naturally add a glow up to your skin and eyes. It’s a perfect selfie companion!

16. Play with those sunnies, girl
Now, if you’d love your selfies to be creative and add a simple touch of style hear this out! You don’t have to go crazy! You can simply add some cool sunnies to your shots! Yes, wear your favorite sunglasses then play with them. Voila - your simple selfie addition that will effortlessly boost your playful and stylish beauty shots.

Image from Freepik
17. Don't be afraid to get silly
Trendy selfie poses include silly poses! Yes, you’ve read that right! So, for this outcome, include some fun, relaxed, and playful vibes in your selfies. A way to do so is by getting expressive with your face and hands. Strike that funny pose and get creatively authentic in an amusing way.

Image from Pexels
18. Play with the mirror reflection
This selfie trick is for the creative selfie poses lovers. If you want your selfies to be unique and underrated check this idea out! Choose to take a self portrait in front of a large mirror - even better if you stand, or sit, in the corner of two reflective mirrors. Find your preferred angle then proceed to shoot! You’ll see your selfie filled with more than one reflected image.

Image from Pexels
19. Go in the wild, girl
Now, most girls love to take their selfies from the comfort of their room or home. I get it, it can feel safer and more comfortable. However, going in the wild and exploring lush green fields, tropical beaches or cute forests can be just as incredible! Not only will it enhance your selfie game, but it will also add a natural glow and spark to your expression. Go find out for yourself.

Image from Pexels
20. Showcase your best curve - the smile!
Do you want to hear a cute selfie idea for girls? Showcase your best curve!
Hey, I’m talking about your smile.
Yes, every girl’s smile is the best feature. So go ahead and express joy, authenticity, and happiness to this selfie, to have it be as cute as ever.

21. Be expressive
Girl, it doesn’t matter that much where and how you choose to take your selfie. What matters the most is you! You are the main character of your photo, so make sure you are as expressive as possible! Showcase your full personality, style, and vibe through your favorite expression. Take your time to try out a few expressions before proceeding with shooting your best selfie.

Image from Freepik
22. Feel your most eccentric self
Now, selfies can totally enhance if you decide to feel, and look, like your most eccentric self. So go ahead and exaggerate your makeup, your hairstyle, and your outfit. Then take your selfie with your desired attire and see the whole self-portrait vibe come to life in a beautiful, stylish, and unique way.

23. Mirror selfie pose
A great way to take selfies is by shooting from a mirror. Mirror selfie poses are great especially if you want to showcase a particular outfit. But also if you aim for your photo to drastically enhance your personality and style.

Portrait photography is a beautiful art. You get to be the director, the photographer, and the model of your shooting. How exciting!
Remember there is no rush, good things (and selfies) take time!