
37 Stylish Poses for Men That Every Photographer Should Try in a Photo Shoot

Four male models with distinct styles, extremely stylish

As a photographer, you will indeed come across a photo gig for male models. Men can want a professional picture of them taken for several reasons: to showcase a certain outfit, to act cool, to present something artistic, to exhibit a classy style, or to simply have a nice picture of their casual and portraited self.

Whatever the reason, this article will inspire you to take the most stylish and natural poses of men so that you can be fully prepared for your next male photoshoot.

We have advice for the casual, the cool, the sexy, the fashionable, the artistic, and the elegant men’s photos - we’ll cover it all! So, let’s get started.

Casual Poses for Men

Casual poses are perfect if you want to play it safe. If your client is not an experienced model or you don’t like the shooting to be too elaborate or extravagant then this will be ideal, let’s get some inspiration.

1.The Minimal

Without so much fuss and details, a minimalistic pose and setting are the best for men who want to focus on facial features - standing in front of an unicolored wall or backdrop and with a plain outfit.

A handsome male model stands in front of the backdrop, posing in a simple manner

2.The guy who admires

A similar, still minimalistic variation can be done while the model sits down on the floor or on a stool, to give it a little more personality and take away the stress of using the arms harmoniously.

A male model is sitting relaxed on the floor

3.Sit and stare

Another casual pose can be taken while standing, sitting, or leaning on the edge of a street while staring sideways in a way that appears spontaneous and unplanned.

A highly individualistic male model sat on the street, staring ahead.

Image from Pexels

4.The casual close-up

Close-ups are ideal when models aim to showcase their facial features. So if this is the case have your model stare at the lens while you proceed to shoot him. For this kind of photo, framing is key, so consider going in nature among leaves or in a studio in front of a plain or abstract backdrop.

A male model is standing in the grass, smiling.

5. A little shadow game

Another photo idea is to suggest your model casually walks towards the camera - a bonus tip for this shot is to play with the lighting and shadow to add some artistic vibe to it.

The man wearing sunglasses is walking in the sunlight, his shadow shining on the ground.

Cool Poses for Men

Now, let’s check out some poses for the men who aim to showcase their cool nature throughout their photoshoots.

6.Too cool for you

Your model’s pose and facial expression are everything you need to create a cool vibe, so suggest he sits and poses with his chin up and adds a pair of sunglasses - such a simple detail that will effortlessly make the picture look cooler.

A handsome male model wearing sunglasses is sitting on the street with a cold expression

Image from Pexels

7.The deep gaze

A close-up of your model’s deep gaze can make him look incredibly cool! Have him strike a serious, but profound and confident look while staring right at the lens.

A handsome model‘s deep gaze

8. Cool profile game

For another cool result advise your model to pose sideways while either looking up or straightforward - using depth of field in this shot will enhance its quality.

Cool model wearing floral shirt leaning against the railing

9. The lean on

Leaning on a balcony or column, with style, while dressed up well can ultimately end up in a cool-looking result. It’s all about the model’s confidence and its setting.

A handsome male model with decent suits is leaning on a balcony

Sexy Poses for Men

Some men love to go all the way in with their handsome and sexy looks - so here are some pose ideas for a few more alluring pictures.

10. Now I see you, now I don’t

A way for a man to be sexy without being too provoking includes one where he wears a shirt or t-shirt and plays with it to show off his chest. So you can advise him to have fun with it while feeling his most confident self.

A man wears a shirt and plays with it to show off his chest
Image from Pexels

11. Light up a ciggy, please

An element that effortlessly makes a man look sexier is a cigarette. Whether your model is a smoker or not, him lighting up a ciggy or pretending he’s smoking one will automatically add up personality and sensuality to the picture, especially if shot with darker lighting and in a provoking setting.

A cool man is lighting up a ciggy

12. The handsome thinker

A way to have a sexy result with an artistic touch is to play with reflections by having your model stand in front of a window, shirtless, while you shoot them from the other side to appear like an impromptu and unintentional shot that adds up mystery and seduction to the picture.

A young model is standing in front of a window, shirtless.

Image from Pexels

13. Muscle man

Some men feel the sexiest while showcasing their muscles. If your model is that kind of man then let him show off and shoot him while posing with his flexed bicep - this capture is especially great if taken in front of a dark or plain backdrop, that won’t create any visual noise and will effortlessly enhance your model’s fit body.

A model is showcasing his muscles.

Image from Pexels

14. The renaissance statue

A pose that will efficiently give a sexy look to your model is one where he lies down on the side, with his arm on his head, while he slightly faces upwards - reminiscing a Renaissance statue. This shot will look great in front of a natural setting or backdrop.

A shirtless model lies down on the side and faces upwards

Fashion Poses for Men

If the reason why your model aims to have professional photos taken is because he wants to showcase some great outfits then you’d need to keep in mind different aspects and tips, so let’s check them out.

15. It’s all in the profile

If your client wants to show off his outfit, you can have him stand in front of a plain and unicolored backdrop that won’t be distracting but will help enhance the attire. You can also advise him to look at the side or upwards so whoever looks at the photo will fully focus on the outfit, rather than noticing his facial features or background noise.

A man stands in front of a unicolored backdrop to show off his outfit

16. Stylish close-up

If the goal is to display a hat, a haircut, or some facial jewellery then a close-up will be ideal. This shot too is best taken in front of a plain backdrop.

A man with a hat is smiling

17. Hold on tight

Another fashionable idea to showcase clothing is to have your model pose facing the camera while striking a pose with his arms, to have a full perspective of the attire. To make it look more natural have him pose in front of a gate or door where he can hold on to.

A model is posing in front a wall to show his clothing

Image from Pexels

18. The poser

A variation can be taken as a close-up shot of the same stretched arm pose - especially if the aim is to showcase a t-shirt or sweater and to give it a more fashionable touch.

A model is showcasing a sweater.

Image from Pexels

19. The fashionable stare

If the outfit includes a fancy and slightly elegant and cool look, a refined pose is to have your model stand leaning on a column or window while looking straight at the camera - the backdrop’s selection is key for a better outcome.

A young man with an elegant outfits is leaning on a column

20. The pedestal

Another great tip is to have your model sit in an unconventional location, or on any higher platform while you shoot from a lower or further perspective - this standpoint will allow your model to give more of a runway model with a lot of personality kind of vibe.

A model is sitting in a trunk

Selfie Poses for Men

What if your model wants a casual but more original result for his unique photoshoot? Then a creative idea is to capture him while he takes - or pretends to take - a selfie. Here are some tips.

21. Let me take a selfie

A simple, yet powerful pose is one where your model gets to face the lens with his body while taking a phone selfie and staring at his camera. You can use depth of field by focusing on his figure and blurring the background for an extra professional and in-depth result.

A man is facing the lens like taking a phone selfie

Image from Istock

22. Selfie with a view

The same variation can be taken in front of a breathtaking scenery - on a cliff, in front of the ocean, in a pine forest, so to have the best of both worlds: the model and the stunning view.

A man is taking a  phone selfie in an ocean

Image from Istock

23. Cheese!

Another great selfie idea includes one where your model gets to stand really close to the camera while pretending he’s holding onto it to create a selfie-looking effect that ends up having a professional result.

A man is holding onto the camera to create a selfie-looking effect

Image from Istock

24. The selfie poser

Especially if you’re shooting your male pictures in a studio, a creative idea is to suggest your model sits in front of a clear backdrop while he pretends to take a selfie and strikes a funny and eccentric pose - it will add up originality and character to the shot while keeping its strong personality.

A person who loves music is taking selfies with their phone

Image from Pexels

25. The selfie from the top

Another creative selfie pose idea for men includes one where your model takes a selfie but the camera phone is facing your way - so that you can proceed taking the picture blurring the model in the back, but keeping your lens focused on his reflected image on the phone.

A bearded man is lying on the ground holding his phone and taking a selfie with the rear camera
Image from Pexels

Mirror Poses for Men

Now if your model happens to be more of the artistic kind and aims to portray a creative and elegant result, then you can try to play with a mirror to get some poetic shots.

26. The elegant reflection

One mirror pose idea is to suggest your model wears an elegant outfit, then poses in front of the mirror, pretending to fix his collar or tie, while you shoot him from the back, capturing both his posterior and his front side reflected directly on the mirror.

A handsome model is tidying up his tie in front of the mirror

27. One for the original ones

If you aim for an extra original and creative result you can consider setting the scenery in a unicolored and plain tone - the ideal set is a studio settled with plain backdrops - and hang an unfussy mirror right in the middle while your model stands in front of it wearing a contrasting-coloured outfit. Shoot this scene from a distance to capture both the reflected and the reflection.

A well-dressed person is looking in the mirror

Image from Istock

28. Hey, handsome!

Another mirror pose includes one where your model looks at himself in the mirror. At the same time, you capture him from a low angle so that only the reflected image will appear, adding some mystery and creativity to the image.

A mature male face is reflected in the mirror

Image from Istock

29. Make it classy

If what you aim for is a classy, elegant, and vintage mirror pose, then you need to pursue the perfect mirror as it will make all the difference. Make sure you find one that is old-school, classy, and beautiful so that it will frame your shot accordingly and give all the vibe.

A man's face is imprinted in a quaint mirror

Street Poses for Men

Street poses are another great way to capture men who are a bit more casual but still aim for personality-filled shots. Here are some ideas.

30. City Exploration

A street pose that is even more casual is one where your model gets to walk in a metro station or the city center. Have him walk towards you to better enhance his features, let him be spontaneous and casual as he strolls for a more natural-looking result.

A man wearing a jacket is strolling at the subway entrance

31. The old-school poet

If you, or your model, don’t aim to capture the facial features but prefer to express a poetic feeling through the picture, then consider finding some cute, old-school spots in the city and playing with the shadows and silhouette figures.

In the deep tunnel, a man is slowly walking out.

Image from Pexels

32. The symmetric city guy

Street poses are great for symmetric shots, as you can find a perfect location between buildings, houses, skyscrapers where you can have your model pose and captured to create a perfect geometrical shape that feels good and attractive to the eye.

A cool man stands in front of a symmetric building

33. The adventure seeker

A fun idea is to shoot on train rails, as they give a natural adventure feeling to the shot and they effortlessly enhance the picture’s character.

A man with a beard is sitting by the train rails

Image from Pexels

Suit Poses for Men

Of course, in a man’s photoshoot, we must include suit poses! So many men love to pose in their elegant outfits and this kind of attire smoothly enhances any type of picture, adding elegance and beauty - so let’s check out some great suit poses!

34. One for the guy with class

An elegant suit already adds class to a man’s picture, however, he can increase its sophisticated appearance by walking towards the camera, with one of his hands in his pocket, slightly smiling, but also unbothered - a way that whispers “I’m confident and I know it”.

A confident man walking on the street wearing a suit

35. The Jacket holder trick

Another way to surely add to elegance, while wearing a suit, is to suggest your model leans on something while holding onto his jacket while gazing elsewhere, like a deep thinker that’s got a lot of style and attitude.

A man holding a tie and looking elsewhere

36. As handsome as the flowers

To give a refined and graceful touch, suggest your elegant model stands in nature, while either facing the camera or focusing on fixing his suit - nature will surely and beautifully frame the image. if you don’t have the chance to be in nature or you prefer the professionalism of studios, you can shoot in front of an abstract backdrop and add some flowers to the frame.

Flowers and man

37. The curtain game

Capturing him next to a closed elegant curtain is another great piece of advice to make sure your model gets captured in his elegance but with a touch of originality and character to the picture! Make sure the curtain is a refined one and it is slightly closed to ensure a great shadow game.

A man with curtains as the background

How to Choose Backdrops for Stylish and Impactful Male Portraits?

As mentioned, so many of these poses will efficiently boost with the help of backdrops as they add style, character, and professionalism to the picture!

Especially when shooting male portraits, which often need to be filled with personality, fashion, and facial features highlights, backdrops can be a game changer as they efficiently magnify and make it easier to shoot the best outcome.

So here is some advice on how to choose the perfect backdrops for your stylish and impactful male portraits, according to what you aim to transmit.

1. Match the Mood with Strategic Color Choices

Solid, plain color backdrops are the perfect choice when your male portrait aims to be minimal and highlight either your model’s facial features or a particular outfit he wants to showcase through the shoot, as it is the backdrop that mostly removes any unwanted visual noise to solely focus on the model, with no further distraction.

A man using solid, plain color backdrop as background

2. Enhance Style with Patterns and Textures

If what you aim for through your male photoshoot is to enhance a particular man’s style and add a little more texture to the final result, then using backdrops with some patterns or texures are the perfect setting for you and your model!

A man wearing a duckbill cap is reading at the desk lamp

3. Elevate Portraits by Experimenting with Artistic Abstracts

Is your model the kind of man who wants to stand out through both his features and personality? Then artistic abstracts might be the perfect backdrop choice as they help enhance the picture’s character by adding up personality but subtly, still allowing the subject to be noticed and highlighted - the use of props and elements will effortlessly elevate the picture’s quality too!

A model who uses artistic abstractions to highlight their own characteristics

4. Add a High-Fashion Edge with Metallic Backdrops

Metallic backdrops are the perfect scenery for a classy, elegant, and character-filled photoshoot. Especially for high-fashion pictures and suit poses as it will help enhance your male model’s refined attire, while smoothly adding character and style.

Shoot on Metallic Backdrops to enhance fashion sense

5. Capture Bold Masculinity with Urban and Industrial Backdrops

Urban and industial backdrop is for the casual, with a touch of masculinity and a lot of style kind of men - who don’t aim for class but rather go for urban coolness. This backdrop setting is the perfect replacement for any street pose you could not do in a city - as it will bring that urban feeling directly to your studio!

Creating 'LOVE' with Urban and Industial Backdrop

We hope you feel inspired and filled with ideas and motivation for your next male photoshoot gig!
Remember there are tips and advice for every kind of man, you just need to connect with your client and understand his expectations and desires, to make sure your shooting turns out great for both of you!

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